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최근에 내시경 관련 Research report가 보고되었다고 합니다. "Endoscopy Devices Market to 2018."
이 리포트에 의하면, MIS(Minimally Invasive Surgeries:최소침습수술)가 점차 인기를 얻어감에 따라 내시경의 수요가 늘어나고 있다는 내용이 주 맥락인듯합니다. MIS는 합병증 감소(a lower incidence of post-operative complications), 흉터최소화(minimal scarring), 입원일수 감소/ 빠른 회복기간(shorter hospital stays)의 장점을 가지고 있고, 여기에 더하여, OPEN SURGERY는 MIS에 비해 수술 건당 3,556 달러 더 비싸다고 합니다.(Laparoscopic surgeries).
LOWTEM Crystal Series는 이러한 세계적인 트렌드와 함께, MIS에 필요한 고가의 내시경들의 Reprocessing(멸균)에 있어 필수적인 장비입니다.
다음 사진은 저희 제품 소개 PT 파일에서 캡쳐하였습니다.
Demand for Cost-Effective,
Minimally Invasive Procedures Drives
Endoscopy Devices Market
The new report from Research and Markets, "Endoscopy Devices Market to 2018," documents the growing popularity of minimally invasive surgeries (MIS) and how they are leading to an increased adoption of endoscopy devices, according to healthcare experts GBI Research.
The new report attributes the growing number of MIS procedures to a lower incidence of post-operative complications, minimal scarring, and shorter hospital stays, which collectively act to improve surgery experiences both for hospitals and for the patient.
Recent retrospective data analysis carried out by Covidien claims that compared to open surgeries, laparoscopic surgeries were associated with reduced risks of surgical site infection and a reduced need of blood transfusions. This supports the belief that laparoscopic surgeries result in safer outcomes, and are more economical than open surgeries across a number of different surgical procedures. On average, an open surgery is $3,556 more expensive per case than a laparoscopic procedure, and adds 2.25 days to the patient's duration of hospitalization. MIS procedures are being increasingly adopted as a result.
Endoscopy devices are also used for diagnostic purposes in preference over traditional diagnostic procedures for the identification of gastrointestinal tract (GI) disorders. Capsule endoscope systems are now considered superior to conventional diagnostic procedures such as Small Bowel Follow-Through (SBFT), computed tomography enterography (CET) and ileoscopy. A number of clinical studies have shown that capsule endoscopy is associated with a better diagnostic yield, and reduces associated medical costs by allowing early detection, and in turn improving treatment outcomes.